

news blog logo The Empty Chamber: 2008-11-02

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What's Past Is Prologue

A wise President once made that statement. If you have read this blog you know which side of the fence I’m on, I don’t hide it. And I’m not here to beg for last minute votes for Barack Obama. And I’m not here to gloat, because to tell you the truth I’m not even sure if we are going to get it this time.

It has been a hard election cycle to say the least. It would be a double loss for Obama if he lost this one. I was sad to hear this his grandmother (the woman who raised him) has died before she could see this improbable journey come to pass.

All I can say is that I do not regret one second of the work I was involved in with the Obama campaign. In fact I would like to say that I admire the work that McCain staffers have done, even thought I don’t agree with them. They have however taken a stand for something.

It’s a growing problem in this country, even more for young people, who don’t seem to take a stand on anything. As Terence Mann, character in the famous Iowa filmed movie Field of Dreams said “a passion is still a passion” no matter what it is.

I know I’m going to catch fire for this but the truth is that at times I wanted to disown my county because of its totalitarian policies created under George Bush. But that changed one day in 2004 I met a man running for senate named Barack Obama. I didn’t know that he would run for president so soon after his election to the senate. However like Kennedy also a junior senator and a catholic (a double minority). Once said “Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” I believe this journey will not be easy, nor should it be. But right now I must put away any petty prejudice I have and be a stronger man.

It’s two hours until the polls open and I’m ready for change.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Make Dreams Come True.....

He Won Iowa…… Remember?

It seems that most of the media outlets are saying the same thing. Obama? He has the election in the bag. But he wont win, because white folk are going to vote for McCain even though they claim when asked that they support Obama.

Do you buy that? Most of the people I know (who are white) speak their mind. The other day here in my small Iowa town, I can truthfully say that Obama signs out number McCain signs 5 to 1. Are all these people simply afraid of being called a hate monger?

Are white folk in the closet? Because I have to tell you, if that is true then we have some very passionate people working day and night for Obama. Are they hiding their hate?

Just remember that Obama Won Iowa. Iowa! that’s pretty damn white.

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